Friday, February 11, 2011

32 weeks...

Dear Baby Jones,

We only have 8 more weeks to go!  I cannot believe how fast the time is flying by.  This beautiful journey has been extremely exciting and I cannot wait to meet you mister. At the same time I cannot deny the fact that I am one SCARED little Mama!  Giving birth is by no means going to be simple stuff.  I just hope and pray that I can handle it.  NO, I take that back, I KNOW I CAN handle it and I WILL handle it! I just have no idea what to expect and that is a bit frightening but also totally normal for a first time mama.

This 32 week photo is a much more accurate than the 31 week photo.  Check out that round belly full of baby!  You were definitely curled up your little ball in the front for this picture.  According to the pregnancy application on my phone, you are about the size of a head of lettuce, measuring about 19 inches long and weighing almost 4 pounds.  I found comfort in reading that your decrease in movement is totally normal.  I still feel you squirming around in there a whole bunch, just not as frequently as usual.  This is because you are preparing for your grand arrival by sleeping like a baby! Your naps are happening much more often these days and they last anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes long. 

When I woke up this morning I really didn’t feel good. I must admit, it is getting harder and harder to get out of bed each morning at 6:30 am. As in, your mama's body is very round and plump and her abdominal muscles are no longer existent.  I literally have to roll myself off of the side of the bed!  Not to mention the fact that the act of sleeping gets less enjoyable as each night goes by.  This morning I woke up with the worst headache and I really just wanted to roll over, cover my head with my blanket, and go back to sleep.  I knew that wasn’t an option so I rolled myself out of bed and proceeded to get ready. On the way to work I started to doubt whether or not I was going to make it through 8 more weeks of getting up and out by 7:30 am.  All of the sudden the most overwhelming feeling came over me and tears streamed down my face. They weren’t sad tears though, they were overwhelmingly happy tears.  In that moment all I could think was “oh my goodness I am going to have my very own brand new baby boy. A beautiful human being that Nate and I created and grew all on our own.”  I was instantly reminded of the exact reason why I was in the car headed to work.  It’s all because of YOU.  I am working so that I can take care of YOU, to provide us with the insurance that we need to get through this pregnancy and birth.  YOU, my son, are worth every single second that I have to push myself through the day.  YOU are worth every pounding headache and trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night.  Growing YOU has been the most amazing thing that I have ever done in my entire life and YOU are worth all of the obstacles that I have had to go through over the past 32 weeks.  I can honestly say that my head doesn’t hurt quite as badly as it did earlier this morning, in fact I barely even notice it.  What I have noticed since being at work are your sweet baby kicks and rolls in my tummy and those are absolutely incredible.

We only have 54 days to go!  I cannot wait to meet you Baby Jones :)


Your Mama

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