Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ready to hear that sweet lil' heart beat...

Dear Little One,

Today at 3:30 we have an appointment with our doctor.  Nothing serious just a little check up to make sure everything is going good in there.  I will get to hear your sweet little heart beat and I just cannot wait for that!  This is the first appointment that your Daddy won't be joining us for and I am a little bummed about that. He has been sooo supportive and loving and he has really helped me get through some of the more scary stuff (blood work, flu shot, high blood pressure scare...nothing serious).  He has to work a little further away than usual but I know he would be there if he could.  I am pretty sure this is going to be an easy appointment and I really have no worries.  Just a week ago we had an ultrasound and you were doing awesome.  I have felt you move around A LOT this week so there is no doubt in my mind that we've got one healthy little growing baby boy!

You have already taught me so much about myself through this whole experience.  I feel stronger and more brave every single day.  I know that I can accomplish anything if I put my heart and my mind into it.  I have learned to stay calm and not sweat the small stuff.  Even the stuff that makes me feel a little nervous or frightened isn't so bad once I just push myself and get it over with.  I want to teach you to be a brave little man. To have confidence in yourself and to always have faith.  The best way to do this is through leading by example.  With a positive attitude and your father by my side I know that all three of us are going to be something to be extremely proud of.

Hurry up 3:30!!  I can't wait to hear that sweet little heart beat! 

Love Always,


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