To my sweet baby boy...
I already love you more than words can express. Everything that I know about you is perfect. You are healthy, you are growing and you are the cutest little thing I have ever seen. Your Dad and I had a very big appointment yesterday for our anatomy scan and I wasn't surprised one bit when the ultrasound technician said "there's your little baby BOY!!!" For a long time now I have had a strong feeling that you were going to be a little guy but to find out that my instinct was correct is just so incredible. We already know each other so well and we haven't really even "met" yet. We watched you move around on the screen in the doctors office yesterday and I must tell you, you are pretty amazing. You didn't like it one bit when the technician pressed down on you with that transducer to take your measurements! When we first got you up on that screen you were punching away at my belly trying to tell her to leave you alone, it was pretty cute. You looked like a tough little boxer in there. You tried to move away each time that she would come after you and I don't blame you one bit. Over all you were on your best behavior and we got some great shots. Every little piece of you measures perfectly. You weigh 10 ounces and measure at 19 weeks and 5 days! You have ten fingers and ten toes and your heart beat is strong at 145 bpm. Your brain is growing beautifully and I know you are going to be such a smart little dude. You are one healthy baby!! We got to take home 5 pictures of you and I haven't been able to stop looking at them. Every time I walk by those images laid out on the dining room table I cannot help but smile and feel so incredibly proud. Proud of myself, proud of your father, and so proud of you. I cannot wait to have you here in our arms as one happy little family. I love you son!
Forever and always,
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